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PIG - germanium booster (Rangemaster)


PIG is recreation of the famous Rangemaster germanium booster from 1960s. One of the best tools to push your tube amp into sweet overdrive tones, handy tone enhancer and shaping device for retro stuff purposes.

Level knob is simply an output volume control, while range knob increases low frequencies entering the circuit - so from a classic treble booster sound you can turn it into a full range dirty booster.

PIG's transistors are selected and tuned in for a moderately high gain rating, to bring that remarkable midrange growl even at low overall volume. Also the lowest frequencies are not totally cut-off as in classic treble boosters, but kept amplified yet not distorted. These features keep all the classic timbre, however providing more depth and juice in overall sounds, both clean or dirty.

PIG is transistorised with NOS OC139/OC140/OC141 germanium device, which lets you power it with standard negative center power supply together with rest of your pedalboard with no worries (although quality isolated supply is always recommended). And it still sounds great just like classic OC44 version.

PS. And how is it different than Superhigh, my another Rangemaster style pedal? PIG keeps more of the lowest frequencies and overall balanced frequency range (Superhigh has noticeably pronounced midrange), doesn't have a gain control and is relatively lower gain (coz Superhigh is... super high gain), finally it's physically smaller and built with less time-consuming layout (thus less expensive).

NO BATTERY OPERATION POSSIBLE WITH THIS PEDAL. Feed it only with standard 9V DC negative center power supply.