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I'm Juliusz and I make Blue Colander stompboxes in Poznań, Poland. I've had obsession for fuzz pedals for a pretty long time and it's been quite some years since I started studying and building this stuff for my own use (well, the purpose was always to have the heaviest tone around, of course), then friends, then some online friends etc.

My first serial models (FFAS and Prophet) came along in 2017 and BCS happened to be a full-time business early 2019. Or rather call it a full-time hobby - it's still simply about making things I love with facility to make them exactly the way I consider the right way. Couldn't be happier than seeing my work appreciated enough to sustain it as a job. This couldn't be possible without your support, trust and encourage to keep developing. Thank you!

This is an one-dedicated-man shop so almost all parts of the process are carried out by myself; from PCB design, thru screen printing to making demo videos (powder coating is done by my relative who works in this profession and some graphic designs are created by my friends artists). Technical and sonic properties of musical gear are the primary values, but I believe fact of creating all kinds of things by real humans is additional quality of its own (especially today, when almost every act can be easily substituted by automatic production). I am no perfectionist and also I would never conclude hand-made object is any 'better'. All that comes just from my own devotion to the general idea of craft, culture and process of creating. If you don't care about this - no worries, we are here for pedals anyway and quality is the priority. Each unit I offer is thus built to last and bring joy, with heavy duty mechanical parts and high grade audio components, carefully tuned to fulfil best tone requirements.