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Fuxi - overdrive / booster

195.00 Sold out

Fuxi is a Klon type pedal with two extras: pair of additional clipping germanium diodes activated with internal switch for less dirt, more output and headroom with crunchier drive character, plus an internal 'presence' switch, which fattens up bright sounds for more punch with treble knob turned right. So you get all stock gorgeous, classic boost and drive sounds of the original gangster with my fav optional mods.

Available now in textured silver powder coat with black print. This pedal is wired for buffered bypass.

OUTPUT - master volume level
TREBLE - turn CW to boost treble, turn CCW to cut treble
GAIN - turn CW for overdrive sound, turn CCW for clean boost

CLIPPING - turn one or both clipping switches down to reduce clipping at high overdrive settings
FAT TREBLE - switch down to lower center frequency of treble control (so at treble boost settings sound is fatter with nice low-mids punch, at treble cut settings sound is a little darker)

No battery operation possible with this pedal. Use isolated, regulated, negative center power supply at 9V only - running it at higher voltage may cause damage and void warranty.