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Brick and gold

165.00 Sold out

Brick and Gold is a jfet booster based on Jack Ormans mu-amp 'Mini booster'. It's construction provides high input impedance (good to use after buffers, other pedals etc), high gain and huge output volume. There is no gain control - it is fixed at 'high' level, what yields in a very dirty boost or a light overdrive, depending on your playing and instrument. Side knob is a master volume. So you just have control over volume boost level, while wide range dynamics here is controlled by your hand and guitar volume knob.

Tone character is pretty warm with dense, juicy midrange and dirt type is not far from what you expect a cranked tube amp to sound like, thanks to jfet transistors. It is not a treble booster, but definitely voiced for moderate low-end response, which is pretty desirable with this amount of gain to keep it tight and dynamic. Cleans-up well, sounds great when boosted by other dirts and is killer to drive amps or other pedals. You can use it without volume increased for kind of 'amps dirty channel' type effect too.

My own layout with tagboard construction comes with top shelf parts like new old stock Siliconix E201 jfet transistors in a 'mojo' TO106 package, Vishay electrolytics and tropical fish input cap, carbon comp resistors (individually selected, as I always do with this wide tolerance stuff) and obviously a heavy duty hardware.
Only 5 made and each one looks different, since there's no print but a freehand 'drawing' with metallic gold ink.

No battery operation possible, use standard 9V DC negative center power supply.